Never lose your checked luggage

Use apple airtags to never lose your luggage

by David
3 minutes read

Never lose your checked luggage with this tip.

How many times have you arrived at your favorite travel destination, without some or all of your luggage? It’s not fun. It you have seen the news, as the world is back to traveling after the pandemic, some airports are having a lot of trouble handling the influx of bags… And this has in turn created a lot of lost baggage. In fact summer of 2022, it go so bad, one airline carrier sent luggage from London to Atlanta in USA to sort them, and then back to  London days later. Imagine waiting for that!

So what’s the tip to NEVER lose you luggage again?

First a tip before the tip. J Before I get into it, consider NOT checking baggage in the first place. That’s it, keep everything with you. Recently I did two multiple-country trips, one to 4 countries and one to 6 counties and in both of these, I only took carry-on luggage. Not only is this quicker, but no chance of your bags getting lost.

So what’s the real pro tip: (For those of you that did not listen to my first tip) Airtags. Yes, Apple Air Tags. Before I explain them, I have used other tracking devices before, in checked luggage, and considering the ease of use, no monthly payments… as of late 2022, Air Tags really the best for people that check bags. The technology is pretty simple, any time the Air Tag goes by an iPhone ANY iPhone with blue tooth your location is updated. And as of this year, everybody I know has an iPhone… so it works really well.

They are a one-time fee to buy, and that’s it. I have seen others that you have to charge, that you have to pay per year to connect to satellite… these are simple.

So, do yourself a favor, and get one of these per checked bag you will have, and you will be good to go.


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